Sunday, March 29, 2009

Feattthhherrrs (feathers)

Several people have asked what the girls reaction has been to my hair ... the girls say it feels likes feathers ... except they can't pronounce it very well. So, it comes out feattthheerrsss. That means when you push it one way, it's soft. When you run your hand against it ... it's kind of prickly. They aren't afraid and Jeff actually really likes it (or so he says). Grace loves to wear the hats and Rose is enjoying picking out my earrings because they really show up now. We did keep all my hair to give it to the birds for their nests ... but we're waiting for it not to be so windy to put it out. I did save a lock of the hair for my own scrapbook ... just in case it doesn't ever come back, or comes in gray. I'll have a lock to give to my stylist to match.

The wig went over well at church today so I'm off to work tomorrow to see how it will go. With not a doctor appointment on the calendar this entire week, I have plenty of time to wear it.

And, I made it on a walk today. Not fast and certainly not speedy. But, I managed to make it about 2 miles (or Nancy will correct me). I just can't believe last week I could run and this week it was hard to walk a distance.

It was a great spring day though. It was lovely weather. I'm craving watermelons again (same thing as when I was pregnant) so we polished off taco salads for dinner and then we ate a watermelon for dessert.

Two posts in one day ... hope you each had a great day. Thanks for all the support.

Love to you all.


  1. How beautiful, your daughter's discription......

    Psalm 91:4
    He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

  2. Have a great week at work Ann! What a great feeling to have a week with no extra doctor appointments. We are bringing food Wednesday, so is there anything you are tired of or can't eat? Be honest- I haven't shopped yet!

  3. Had I not read your blog I would have never known that you had on a wig. Your hair, and you, looked gorgeous yesterday!

  4. Looking forward to our walk/run tomorrow morning! I love the idea of sharing your hair with the birds!
