Friday, March 26, 2010

Random Thoughts by an Overstressed Executive Mom

I have been sick this week. Not serious: just a head cold and it is certainly nothing out of the ordinary. I have a throat that feels like fire and a nose that is drippy at best. So, I went into the doctor on Tues. It's the first time I've been sick since chemo ended and admittedly it freaked me out. I just wasn't sure how my body would react. I'm a little worried about how my immune system was going to hold up. Fortunately, I mentioned it to the nurse and she had also fought breast cancer much of last year and been in a similar situation. She assured me that it was normal to panic a little. The doctor assured me I'd be fine with more fluids and rest ... so I slept some more. I feel a little better at the end of this week but I'm still exhausted. That could be that I'm watching basketball!

Jeff has started working again. It's a part-time contract position with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Ironically, it's been right at six years since he resigned to stay home with the girls. That was one of the best decisions we made. He is responsible for overseeing the execution of grants for the specialty crop block grant program. It's a lot of paperwork to which he is adapting. I am really proud of him for getting a job in an industry that we are both so passionate about, but it's also a strain on the family as we adjust to him having a more structured day and limited flexibility. We're all slowly stepping up some although you couldn't tell it from the five loads of laundry that we need to put away.

Grace is flourishing as a budding bookworm. She is really enjoying reading everything her eyes come across. This has huge ramifications for me as I often leave lists and documents around the house and now she can read much of it. She was quick to tell me that the dental hygienist called her "hysterical" and "cute as a button." She was so proud. I stifled a laugh when Jeff talked about her trip to the dentist, he mentioned that she was nearly in-hysterics when they tried to use fluoride on her teeth ... she would not let them. Hysterics and hysterical ... hate that I missed that adventure. I'm enjoying teaching her all the various definitions for various words ... like hysterical.

Rose continues to be a bundle of energy and full of life. She goes full throttle and wide open. Now that spring has arrived she is usually in the backyard and at night we are finding handfuls of leaves in her hair. She's started soccer and my only regret is that our yard is not more conducive to practicing the drills. She's extremely proud of a panda bear that she made at Build-A-Bear last weekend. She dressed Oreo, the panda, in a soccer outfit! I look forward to being a soccer mom, she really enjoys it.

In the morning, the girls and I are doing a three mile walk in Chapel Hill. It's for a non-profit group called "Get Real and Heel" that focuses on helping breast cancer patients recover through a five month intensive exercise and healthy lifestyle program. One of their staff has been helping me on the rare occasions that I make it inside the YMCA. It's an excellent program for survivors and I wish I lived close enough to take advantage of it. I'm signed up for several long distance races in the next few months and I'm struggling to run several times a week. We will be putting together a Race for the Cure team in the next few weeks so I'll be posting that information as soon as I have it.

That's the update at the Camden house. Oh, and we're watching basketball!!! Go Boilers! Beat Duke!

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