Friday, October 22, 2010

The new autumn color -- Pink

I've never been particularly fond of pink. I'm more of a red person. Frankly, it bothers me that all the lovely autumn colors like green, orange and red are being relegated to the back of the closet to celebrate "Pink" month. Don't get me wrong, I'm very appreciative of all the efforts to raise awareness and fund raising for breast cancer research ... That research and awareness probably saved my life and definitely made the treatment easier through all the research funded by Komen and American Cancer Society. What has surprised me is that it has been such a reminder of last year. Some days it feels like it's hitting me all over again. It certainly doesn't help that I have had so many friends and acquanitences be diagnosed recently.

I'm reading Promise Me by Nancy Brinker. It's the history of the Komen foundation and while I'm only halfway through it, I have found it to be a love story. It's the story of two sisters who loved each other fiercely and a family that worked very hard to make healthcare better and easier for everyone. The book is a good balance between the history of cancer and the foundation, blended with family stories about Susan and Nancy growing up. Other than the obvious chapter about Susan succumbing to the disease, the other chapter that gave me pause was the history of the mastectomy and painstaking detail of what that was like before modern medicine, especially pain medicine! I can't imagine what our ancestors went through. I'm shocked anyone survived that.

So, I've been a little emotional. Overall, I'm fine. Probably even better than fine. I went in for my calcium shot last week and got a clean bill of health. I'm running nearly 20 miles a week and have full range of motion in my arm. There is not much I can complain about. (Yet, I still have a long list of complaints.)

The girls love school and are both thriving. Tonight they are with Jeff at a Y-Princess camp out with their tribe called Blazing Saddles. The weatherman forecast a low of 37 tonight and Jeff was hacking and wheezing before he ever left home. Bouncing Bunny (Grace) and Twisted Vine (Rose) were so excited that Hunting Wolf (Jeff) couldn't let them down. So he took them. I recommended they come home to sleep (they are only about 10 miles from the house) but they would have none of it. So, while they enjoy sleeping on the ground under a beautiful harvest moon ... I am tucked snuggly in our bed with the electric blanket on me and a fat cat curled at my feet. What am I doing without them? Thus far, I've had the luxury of shopping at the Junior League Shopping Spree and an Italian dinner with a girlfriend. I'm planning to run at least 8 miles in the morning. Life is good. This is the best camp out EVER ... okay, I was actually jealous when I heard about hashbrowns and bacon for breakfast although I do like having the entire bed to myself!

I've missed blogging but have struggled with what is interesting and appropriate to post. I hope to get back to it this fall in between training for a half marathon, finishing up a couple quilts, getting ready for the girls birthday and the holidays, a vacation to the Smokies, work for a school board that I'm on, my role at church and of course ... my job. I am ready for the holidays to refresh and take some time off.

When you look into your closet tomorrow ... embrace Pink for the women in your life. We can wear red in November!