Saturday, November 26, 2011

Seoul, Korea

I survived a 15 hour plane ride and am struggling to figure out how to change my watch or clock to military time. Thus, I am stalking the gate agent to make sure I don't miss my flight to Ho Chi Minh (formerly known as Saigon).

Ironically, the terminal here is well stocked with familiar US brands -- Caribou Coffee, Smoothie King, Subway and more. There are dozens of makeup and perfume counters but the signage for the flight departures is slightly tougher to read/make out.

I tried to sleep on the plane although it wasn't as easy as I would have liked. My big splurge for the trip were noise cancellation headphones. I can't say enough about them. Since I was in row 54 toward the very, very back of the plane -- they blocked out all the engine noise and made it a nearly peaceful ride. If they could just add padding to these seats.

And, en route, I've been studying my repsonsibilies for the next few days. I have very big shoes to fill and I think all of the attention to detail will pay off but I'm still a little nervous.

1 comment:

  1. I've missed you blogging, too!!!

    Biggsy travels that way fairly often, and I can't say enough about Skype. It's crazy to talk when you're going to bed and your Honey is eating lunch the next day.

    Safe travels, my friend! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
