Friday, October 23, 2009

Laughing All the Way to the Finish Line

I'm nine treatments into radiation. Only 24 more treatments to go. But who's counting, besides Jeff and I?

Radiation has been going pretty quickly. It takes me as much time to drive to the hospital and onto work as it does to actually get the treatment. Each day, I receive four doses of radiation while I lay on the table and the nurses do this intricate number of lining me up just right using laser lights and projection screens. And, this large multi-million dollar machine moves robotically around me while I lie there listening to music. The nurses have been great. Maybe it's that they crank my "bed" up into the air about four feet so that my body is eye level but I think of the three fairy godmothers Flora, Fauna and Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty. They aren't old or pudgy by any means but always laughing and working to put their client base at ease. I'm really lucky compared to a lot of their clientele who are moving much slower and seem to be in a lot of pain. Many of them are on oxygen. So far my chest just feels a little raw and windburnt but I've been assured that the sunburn feeling will occur by the end of next week. Regardless, I'm nearly done and I'm loving it!

My running partners/best friends have hung with me this fall and really supported me even on mornings when they've had every right to drive to my house and ring the doorbell when I didn't show up. Regardless of my sleeping patterns, I've made it out for a few good runs lately bringing in a four miler recently that left me feeling pretty good about my physical fitness. Thursday morning I had a great run and it was still dark out, the stars were out and the air was crisp. Just perfect for a good run. As I see the end of actual treatments just around the corner, I realize I have to start exercising again soon. My doctors keep emphasizing just how important exercise and avoiding weight gain is to overall health.

In general, I'm in great spirits. If I had to complain about something ... I will pick on the the Komen Foundation as we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I hate it. I'm ready for it to end. I've seen everything from the NFL to newspapers painted pink. I'm ready to get rid of the constant reminder about cancer. That damn pink ribbon is everywhere. I'm not sure what the objective of the campaign is other than to raise money. I could appreciate the campaign/organization more if they were more proactively reminding women to do self breast exams, mammograms, etc. On that note, I'll use this platform to recommend everyone get regular check-ups.

Hope you all have a blessed fall weekend. I've got a long list of "to do" items including Halloween Costume Development ... I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks for all the cards and prayers. And, thanks for the beautiful flowers.



  1. Ann, love you! You're almost there!


  2. The finish line is in sight--pour it on girl:)

    Don't forget to register for Indy,
    love, dad

  3. Remember Phil. 4:13!:) We are praying for A TON we love you! :)

