Well, I was below average on my blood test yesterday across the board. So, I got another shot of Procrit ... which isn't working yet ... in my opinion. I go back for yet a second booster shot on Monday and meanwhile, we continue on with steroid shots nightly.
The girls are handling this really well. I am the recipient of many hand made drawings and there is always a little hesitation before they squeeze me to make sure they don't hit my port. Today I came home at lunch for a nap and they covered me up with my Snugi and Rose covered herself with a doll blanket and laid on the other chair whistling quietly. (For those of you who know Grace ... she was still eating ... slowly ... and talking ...)
I also made it out for a walk this morning with my girl pals, Steph and Nancy. We made it about 3 miles. It just felt great to be outside in fresh air and just talk about everything yet nothing in particular. They are both training for half marathons so I really appreciated them slowing to a walk for me. I don't think I can do it again tomorrow but I'm going to try a short run on Sat. (Only if I feel up to it Mom, I swear I won't push it).
Thanks for all your prayers ... and Kara if you're reading this ... thanks for the Australian chocolates. I'll eat them after the girls go to bed!
Chuck & I got the corn planter out this am and started getting ready--spring is coming. Hang in there, you're going to make it.
ReplyDeletelove, dad
In Raleigh, after April 15, we only have a 10% chance of a late spring freeze. I think we're out of the woods, though it was chilly this morning. It was great to start my morning outdoors with my running buddies!
PS The girls are champs. They really are.
A little behind the curve, because I just found your blog. And what a blessing to read it from beginning to end - publishing material, really.
ReplyDeleteHope you are able to enjoy the 80 degree Saturday that lies ahead. BabaWawa this weekend. Practice time.
love - glenda