Monday, May 25, 2009

Taxol ... the third episode

The third "bite" of Taxol went down as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. My red blood cells weren't quite so great so I had two "booster" shots this weekend to elevate my red blood cells again. I didn't get measured this week and will do that again on Thurs. I feel confident the tumor is shrinking and look forward to the official measurement. I've spent a lot of this weekend lounging around as my back has hurt a lot.

On Saturday, I tried running with my dad. We made it a total of four miles and ran about half of it ... only the flat parts. Despite a night with not great sleep and a little vertigo, it was great to get out and see the neighborhood and hear the birds in the morning. Not to mention, running with your dad is just cool. I paid for the run much of the afternoon as I lounged a lot.

Jeff, along with my sister and brother, and especially my parents painted my kitchen. The topiary trees and teal walls are gone! YEAH. I've hated my wallpaper for nearly four years. It looks so much cleaner and larger with a nice, fresh coat of paint. Now I just need to hire someone to put in a ceramic tile floor in late June. I'm really lucky my mother volunteered them all ... I don't think I'll ever get them to do that again. It was a lot of work.

Jeff and the girls are at the pool celebrating the start of summer. I just needed some quiet time to recuperate from all the house guests and it feels good to just be still. I finished off a good love story as well, which always helps a girl feel better.

Happy Memorial Day.


  1. You're amazing, Ann. Thank you for being a blessing to MANY. Although not with you, please know that you are in our prayers DAILY. Pre-school graduations ARE over the top...but an amazing precursor to the MANY, MANY accomplishments you'll see those girls through.
    Praying for God to make THIS day an amazing one for you! Love, Bev, Daryl & Emily Whipkey

  2. Being with you this weekend gave me an even greater appreciation for what you're going through. You are a strong and amazing woman!! We were blessed beyond belief with all of you.
    Running/walking with you was great, and I hope I did not lead you to overdo. I know that under ordinary circumstances you'd kick my butt.
    Thanks again for a very memorable memorial day weekend. Hope we didn't tax you too much.
    Burn the paint brushes and hug the girls and Jeff--see you again soon,
    love, dad

  3. Hey, I was suppose to help you pull down all that wallpaper & paint. Man, I'm bummed I missed out:)
    Glad you had a nice weekend with your parents. Let's go for a walk soon.

